So no kidding...I am crazy for doing this, but I posted my first try at the "Vlogging" thing. (Hate that name btw)
Just want to add here....I didn't mention the ministry because, I guess in my head and heart it totally goes without saying that I am still doing that, and planning to unto I physically can not. Unfortunately, it isn't a great source of income for me and I am seeking other things out on the side! It doesn't mean that it couldn't maybe be the FULL TIME income thing one day! I pray for that daily! But until then, I wanted to share some ideas I have and ask you guys to join me in asking God to order my steps! here it goes! Oh and time I promise to wear make up! ugh! Oh and don't forget to roll down to bottom to Playlist and pause the O SO AWESOME TUNES before watching! Thanks! Bye!
Note: scroll to bottom of Playlist and click PAUSE. Then read the following post and hit play on movie clip. (Bear with the first minute...kinda just "there".)
So much I would like to jot down much is going on in my life. The emotions and trials I face are great....but He is Greater. So I am only, for now, going to share with you something that inspired me as a child, and I didn't even know it. Then I saw it again later in life and only then realized just how much it made that impact on me! Many of you may remember the movie done in the early '80's called Chariots of Fire. It was unapologetically a Christian movie, with an intensely faith based message. It won much acclaim, and I look back upon it in my minds eye often as a reminder. The sad truth is that in this "wordly" world we live there is no likely way that movie would do as well today....maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not. But none the less, it was Christ that was glorified in it. How many of those do you see anymore?
Lately I have been really asked to walk through some dark. The awesome part in doing that is that I am walking CLOSER now with God in it, then when times have been good. That's just the way it works I guess? I no less, then anyone want to have a smooth, happy, tear free, stress less life. But actually, it's all of those things that bring you to that place that make you a stronger person/disciple/believer in His goodness and truth. I wanna be all of those things. I wanna be a "Rock Star" in all of those things to God! (My youngest actually walked up to me the other morning after I finished puttin' on my jewelry and "face" and said " are such a rock star!!!!!" her! I want to be that way for God though too. Meaning....I just want to shine bright, have all of the attention I get to aim the focus directly back to the deserving One.)
In this life we will have trouble. But take heart, I have over come the world.
We each have much to endure in this life. But He is there. He is loving us through it all. He is giving us strength through it all. Whether we see or feel it or not. I know for myself, I feel so much of a connection with His presence while worshipping. Yes, hands held high singing out to Him. But worship is more then that....we can worship Him in all we say and do. It's a mindset. When I get focused on a creative endeavor, or a small artsy project....when I sit down to do a box...I feel His pleasure, as the movie says. When we swim in the ocean of His love and gifts He has given us....we are worshipping! FYI...worship is supposed to be fun ya know?!!!! It is....He gave us the desires and talents so we would enjoy Him and use it to share with others. I am believing Him that that is how He is going to make it that these girls and I are fead, clothed, and taken care of. His provision, and His alone!!!! So I'm purposely doing alot of creative things as of late. To be in that sweet spot with my Daddy. His presence is the ONLY place I care to be anymore.
It doesn't hurt there.
I wanted to show the clip from the movie that spoke about His pleasure, but I couldn't find one. This one is no less great, however. I am asking God to sear it to my heart tonight. I needed to hear this so very much tonight, Jesus. Thank you. I hope it speaks to you too...enjoy.....
So I promise to really be better about getting on here more and doing some needed writing. It's so good for my head to write about this Journey I am on. I did have the privilage of contributing on a project, and I wanna share....check it out!
Daughters of the King! Mommy Megan, big sissy Maizy Bly, and bigger sissy Mia Brooke
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Support The Greatest Blessing
Your generous donations will make it possible to reach families that face this grief each and everyday. And all in the name of Jesus! The only One that can provide a peace that surpasses all understanding. Hand painted and filled with loving gifts,these memory boxes will help those hurting see beyond today's heartache and onto tomorrows promise, and our hope in Heaven! It costs $50. to provide a family with a box. (Box samples below) Very soon we will be a tax deductible organization, until such time, all records will be kept for deduction purposes in the future. (Please make checks payable to The Greatest Blessing) Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. I would love to hear feed back from you. Comments are welcome and encouraged when you feel led to do so. Thank you!
The Greatest Blessing P.O. Box 167 Fairview, Oregon 97024
{God's guidance, wisdom, and much favor on The Greatest Blessing} __________________________ {Outpouring of strength and faith, and utter protection from attacks on the ministry. That I would be all that Christ called me to be as a mommy, a friend, and ultimately as a desciple of Him} __________________________ {God's guidance and provision in organizing several fundraisers} _______________________ The effective, fervant prayer of a righteous man avails much. ~James 5:16