Friday, October 3, 2008

{tHe ImPoSsIbLe}

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
~ Matthew 19:26

(* The picture is of Macsen's box....the original inspiration to go on and share hope with others!)

The last couple of years of my life have been extremely unforgiving. Challenges and cliffs have seemed to be at every turn. And in it all, my God has been willing and anxious to be there and see me through. There is nothing else that has been. Everything and everyone else asks, "what's in it for me?" God's economy is so far off from ours, and I for one am grateful it is. It most definitely doesn't always make sense to me, but in hind sight it is always what is best.

In the midst of these "impossible" times I can see the fingerprints of one that sees the beginning from the end. He sees it.....and He is unshaken by it. In fact, in my finite thinking I would for see the need for real quite and normality, but I have actually found that in those times (when I think I know what should be....funny), God then throws things in that put me absolutely out of my comfort zone! "Really God? Are you sure? I think you got my file mixed up with someone else! Do you remember what I've been through? What I am currently going through? That's crazy! You want me to do what?" Crazy huh? So was asking Peter to step out onto the crashing waves. So was instructing Noah to build an ark that would take years to construct. So was placing Joseph in multiple gloomy situations. How about when I told Moses to go back to a place he had been thrown from. Need I say more? Because I could......

I sit back, and scope all that God has asked me to do in times of trial, and I see IMPOSSIBLE. And then, our helpmate, the Holy Spirit says, All things are possible with God. Oh, how I hate to think of attempting to do any thing without you! Thank you for loving me with such an undeserved love!

Now I'll close my eyes....and step out of the boat!

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

This is such a great post! I love your blog. It is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by mine.